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Treningsdagbok uke 30

Mandag 23. juli 10km jogg t/r Aldi (5 km nedover, 5 km oppover) 56.50min

Tirsdag 24. juli A1) 1 x 1 x 15-1 glute bridges & hip abductions B1) 3 x 10 knebøy @ 90kg C1) 4 x 8 nøytrale pullups @ 10kg D1) 3 x 8+8 utfall bakover fra step @ 60kg D2) 3 x 12 pushups @ 10kg E1) 1 x 15-1 glute bridges & hip abductions

Onsdag 25. juli 10km jogg t/r Aldi (5 km nedover, 5 km oppover) 57.08min

Torsdag 26. juli A1) 3 x 15+15 ettbeins RDL @ 60kg A2) 3 x 15 skulderpress @ 30kg B1) 3 x 15 1 & 1/2 rep hip thrusts @ 60kg B2) 3 x 15 nøytrale pullups C1) 3 x 10+10+10 3D-planke

Fredag 27. juli 10 stk bakkeintervaller

Lørdag 28. juli 10km jogg t/r Aldi (5 km nedover, 5 km oppover) 57.29min

Søndag 29. juli A1) 3 x 10 knebøy @ 90kg B1) 3 x 10 pullups C1) 3 x 10 push press @ 50kg D1) 5 x 30 KB swings @ 20kg E1) 2 x 20 V-ups E2) 2 x 20 ass-ups E3) 2 x 20 cycle situps

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